
Thursday 24 October 2013

Introduction to blog

This blog is about the process I followed to pay a corporation tax bill using a bill of exchange.

I need to firstly explain the situation that gave rise the the bill in the first place plus a bit of background to my freeman stance.

1. ACE 2012 Limited

I used this company as a service company when I was contracting IT services. I retired on 5th April 2013 and I have started the process of liquidating its assets.

The financial year of the company runs to 31st December. The corporation tax bill for the year ended 31st December  2012 was £4,354.80. I sent in the tax return online around April/May 2013. I was in two minds at the time as to whether to file the return. I decided to file the return and get a tax demand, then to see in what ways this could be paid.

2. Corporation tax

The acknowledgement of a company return was issued on 13 June 2013 with a reconciliation statement and at the bottom the usual tear off "remittance advice". The normal due date for payment for corporation tax is 1st October 2013.

3. Freeman status

From June 2013 to October 2013, the Balcombe fracking drill site was opened. I visited the site many times - during one visit there was an excellent speech by Ian Powel about commercial liens. Inspired by all the people who are protesting the mis behaviour of our government, I decided to make a "small " stand and pay this tax bill by Bill of Exchange rather than the way HMRC would like it paid.

I have also investigated the Terrorism Act 2006 - which makes it illegal to provide funds to organisations which you have reasonable cause to believe are engaged in terrorist activities. This is another reason not to pay this tax normally.

I AM part of the I AM THAT I AM Foundation and I am asserting my Freedom as a Freeman. To understand what this menas, I have been enormously helped by various people who are based where I live and have made youtube videos on a range of subjects, like deregistering your carriage (car), setting up a free state and other things.

I have also made the revocations as described by Andrew Bartzis

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